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Thursday, 10 July 2014

I tied the knot!

The wedding took place on 15 December 2012 in my hometown. It was indeed a significant and memorable event in my life. I can't deny I have mixed feelings about this; excited+stress+exhausted but I made it through. Dealing with working+studying+marriage is challenging but I enjoyed every bit of it.
Solemnization photo
My elder sister in red blouse
Reception dress

Marriage is beautiful! Marriage is about sharing everything with your partner. The key to long lasting marriage is always accept each other's strengths and weaknesses. Don't expect perfection from your partner because it requires more time than any other relationship. At times, both of you made mistakes so forgive, forget and move on.

Salam Ramadhan

Hai hai!
Dah lama saya tak update blog ni. Actually, blog ni assignment yg saya perlu buat untuk satu subjek mass comm. FYI, saya tgh buat degree part time in PR so dari biar blog ni tak aktif baik sambung je kan. Boleh tulis diari ke atau berkongsi kisah suka dan duka ke. Lagipun blog ni akan kekal kat sini dan saya boleh mengimbau kenangan bila dah tua nanti :-D Apa2 pun saya nak ucapkan salam Ramadhan kepada semua yang beragama Islam. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini memberi berkat kepada kita semua. Selamat berpuasa!

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